Primary Grades Math Education
Educate Yourself: A Cross Country Comparison
What is Singapore’s elementary mathematics system?
Singapore’s education system has risen in the past decade, making it one of the current frontrunners in the education world. Singapore has developed a child-centered focus, taking into account the needs and interests of their students. Singapore is focusing its educational efforts towards development of an “ability-based and aspiration-driven school system” (Rasmussen & Bayer, 2014, p. 816), or development of the individual and encouraging potential.
Singapore has outlined that one of the key importances of mathematics education is that “the process of learning becomes more important than just what is to be taught and remembered” (Ministry of Education, 2012, p. 6). This outlook is very similar to that of lesson study, where the focus is on the learning, not on if students answers are correct or if they did their work the ‘right way’. Also, similar to lesson study, there is a respect for teachers and for education in Singapore. Students and parents realize that school is their pathway towards future success and improvement. Because of this cultural view, “family's enroll their children in special Saturday sessions and hire math tutors” (Lee & Wassel, 2012, p. 6) which also contributes to student success.
​Research shows multiple factors that contribute to Singapore’s success in elementary mathematics, these factors include a focus on practice to develop skills, providing lower-achieving students with alternate routes and assistance, preparing highly trained teachers, placing emphasis on high order thinking skills, using more challenging tests, and “having a unified and logically organized mathematics framework” (Lee & Wassel, 2012, p. 5).
An important distinction between Singapore and other countries is their emphasis on supporting lower-achieving students. Not only does Singapore have a higher percentage of students achieving in advanced levels of mathematics (in comparison to other countries), but they also have a very low percentage of lower-achieving students in international comparisons.
Singapore mathematics textbooks are also an important distinction that sets Singapore apart from other countries. Many researchers include the textbooks Singapore uses on their lists of factors that contribute to elementary mathematical success (Lee & Wassel, 2012, p. 6). Singapore math textbooks are, in comparison to the US, “thinner and less colorful… [placing] more emphasis on problem solving and were more practical and to the point” (Lee & Wassel, 2012, p. 6).
There is an emphasis on family-school-student involvement.
Why so successful?
Singapore’s Ministry of Education’s Mathematics Syllabus for Primary 1 to 5 (Grades 1 to 5) makes a point of mentioning that in mathematics, “some will find the theorems and results intriguing; others will find the formulae and rules bewildering. It is therefore important for the mathematics curriculum to provide differentiated pathways and choices to support every learner in order to maximize their potential” (Ministry of Education, 2012, p. 2). Since most of the successful educational systems in the world currently involve child-centered education, this is an important point to be raised. The syllabus goes on to outline the importance of recognizing the technologies and interests of the 21st century learner.
While adults like to believe that the system that works for them, will work for everybody, many of the most successful education systems, are those that believe they can always be better. These systems continuously update, keep learning, and continue to change to work towards a system which will best benefit our youths.
“More than one in four students in Beijing-Shanghai-Jiangsu-Guangdong (China), Hong Kong (China), Singapore, and Chinese Taipei are top-performing students in mathematics, meaning that they can handle tasks that require the ability to formulate complex situations mathematically, using symbolic representations” (OECD, 2016, p. 4).
Singapore vs. the US
Singapore has risen greatly internationally in regards to education, to become one of the world readers. The system of education in Singapore is a great comparison to the United States because English is the primary language in both countries. Where Singapore has been on the rise, the US has been on a decline in international educational rankings and scores. The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, or TIMSS, has resulted in “the average scale scores in TIMSS 2003 and TIMSS 2011 are 605 and 611 for Singaporean 8th graders...and are 504 and 509 for American 8th graders” (Ker, 2016, p. 255). This is quite the difference, and Singapore also has statistically higher numbers of students reaching advanced levels.
Hogan, D. (2014, February 11). Why is Singapore’s school system so successful, and is it a model for the West?. In The Conversation. Retrieved from
Ker, H. (2016). The impacts of student-, teacher- and school-level factors on mathematics achievement: an exploratory comparative investigation of Singaporean students and the USA students. Educational Psychology, 36(2), 254-276. doi:10.1080/01443410.2015.1026801
Kyong-Hee Melody, L., & Wassel, E. N. (2012). How can we make one step forward in curing a sick giant elephant -- The current elementary mathematics education in the United States?. National Teacher Education Journal, 5(4), 5-8.
Ministry of Education Singapore, . (2012). Primary 1 to 5. In Mathematics Syllabus. Retrieved from